Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The idea of "emissions trading" (sometimes they call it "cap and trade") is getting a lot of talk these days. It is a way of controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emission of pollution.

While we all wait for the big plans to get set up, consider what you can do now. You can have your own personal, voluntary, "cap and trade" system for reducing pollution.

You start by estimating the current cost of pollution by your electric use. Let's say, just for example, you decide you are costing the planet one thousand dollars of pollution from electricity. You can pay incentives to us to offset the cost of that pollution. We will use those incentives to help build electric plants powered by the wind which has no pollution.

Keep your receipts from your donations (incentives), and when you have reached $100.00, that will build a wind turbine which will generate $200.00 worth of electricity (this is what we expect). At that time, you will have achieved an allowance, or credit, which can be deducted from your total cost of pollution. So, instead of a total cost of $1000, you will only have a cost of $800. (1000 minus 200 equals 800).

Let's not wait for the Kyoto treaty to be ratified, let's start our own "emissions trading" program. ----------------- Tom Hayward

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